Friday, May 23, 2008

In the beginning...

So this is the start to what I hope will be a full-fledged blog. I'm not usually the most open person, usually don't find it easy to open up to people, but maybe in writing I can do so finally.  I guess all aspiring writers have to start somewhere, and fiction is not the end all be all of writing. 

I have a lot of things going on, and not much of anything happening - if that makes sense.  I need to vacate my apartment soon, since my landlord is in foreclosure, so I'm looking for a new place to live.  However, since I'm not employed, finding an affordable place is proving to be a challenge.  I've not been working full-time since December, not due to anyone's fault but my own.  I left my job after being there almost 6 years.  It was time.   I naively thought that with my experience and knowledge, finding a new job would be a cinch!  Not so, especially in the great state of Florida.  So I've used the time off to do some things - start writing fiction (no self-revelations there), and had LASIK, who-hoo - I can see without my big chunky glasses, except some days are good, and others are bad.  More on that later. Then I had a hysterectomy - no natural born kids for me.  

So after having quite a few months, I decided to blog.  An online chronicle of my battles, joys, loves, and life.  Hope this year ends much better than it started.  


Jessica Burkhart said...

Welcome to the blogging world! :)

goldengrl said...

Thanks Jessica!